
As a trade show exhibitor, you want to ensure your exhibits succeed. But how do you go about planning for and executing a successful trade show presence?

In this blog post, we’ll discuss the importance of planning your trade show presence, provide a roadmap, and share tips on how to plan and exhibit at a trade show. Additionally, we’ll touch on how trade show exhibit rentals can assist you in creating a successful exhibit that meets your needs and budget.

Importance of Planning Out Your Trade Show Presence

Before diving into how to plan and exhibit at a trade show, it’s crucial to understand why planning is so important.

Essentially, proper planning can make or break your success at a trade show. Planning allows you to prepare and make strategic decisions about different aspects of your exhibit, such as your messaging, branding, and product displays.

Without a plan, you could find yourself scrambling at the last minute to put together a display that lacks cohesiveness and effectiveness.

In contrast, proper planning can help you create an impressive and impactful presence.

Trade Show Planning Roadmap

To help you plan your trade show exhibit for success, we’ve put together a roadmap that covers all the essential steps you need to follow. This roadmap includes the following essential elements:

1. Define Your Goals

Defining your goals is the first step in planning your trade show participation. What are you hoping to accomplish? This will help you determine which shows are appropriate for your business, what exhibit you need, and how much you should budget.

2. Choose the Right Show

You want to pick a show that attracts your target audience and provides a good return on investment. Research shows in your industry to identify which ones are worth attending.

3. Create a Budget

Before you start designing your exhibit, you need to create a budget. Determine how much you can afford to spend on your exhibit and allocate funds to advertising, travel, lodging, booth rental, and materials.

4. Develop a Marketing Plan

Create a marketing campaign that includes social media, email, and direct mail, and make sure your branding is consistent throughout.

5. Design and Build Your Exhibit

Your exhibit must be impressive and engaging. Consider working with a professional exhibit company that specializes in creating show-stopping displays. You want to avoid blending in with the crowd, so make sure your booth stands out.

6. Train Your Staff

Make sure they are well-trained in your products, services, and messaging. They should be able to answer questions with ease and engage with attendees.

7. Follow-up with Leads

After the show, follow up with leads. Reach out to prospects you met at the show and continue nurturing those relationships. They may need more time to be ready to purchase, but with the right follow-up, they may become a customer in the future.

Tips on How to Exhibit at a Trade Show

Stand Out

Your exhibit must stand out. Consider incorporating unique features like technology or games to draw attendees to your booth.

Be Engaging

Engage visitors by creating an interactive display that allows them to experience your products or services in a memorable way.

Practice Good Booth Etiquette

Booth etiquette is essential to success. Make sure your booth is staffed at all times and that your staff is friendly and knowledgeable.

Be Memorable

Captivate attendees by offering branded giveaways that they’ll be able to keep and remember your business by.

Work with Trade Show Exhibit Rentals

As a trade show exhibit rental company, we have been delivering exhibits all across the United States since 2014.

We proudly provide affordable trade show booths that stand out from the rest and won’t break the bank. Our company has received many awards for exhibits that have won Best of Show, and we take pride in that.

With us, you can be sure your exhibit will be the best of show. Contact us and let us deliver an award-winning affordable trade show booth rental that will always be a success.