
If you are organizing or planning to attend a trade show with your business, you might wonder what type of booth to choose. You know the presentation is important when putting your business out there. That’s why choosing the right booth plays a big part since you will want to be very organized and neat to deliver the right message to your visitors.

Choosing the right booth for your trade show is very important to attract people and create great awareness of your business. There are four main types of booths to choose from, but first, let’s define what a trade show booth is!

What Is a Trade Show Booth?

Simply put, a trade show booth is an area or space at the exhibition that showcases your business and its products or services. The booth can be made up of tables, walls, or fabric displays, but these depend on the type of aesthetic you want to follow, the space, and your location.

Types of Trade Show Booths

There are four different types of booths you can choose from. Each type has a different purpose, design, and advantages and disadvantages.

Peninsula Booth

A peninsula booth is a type of booth that is usually located at the end of a row of booths or attached to another peninsula. It provides ample space since most are 20 by 20 ft or larger. Additionally, it offers flexibility regarding layout, design, and display height.

The greatest advantage of a peninsula booth is that it is exposed to patrons and foot traffic from three sides. It also provides more privacy for customers, which could be important if you sell products that need to be explained in detail or offer a luxury product.

Inline Booth

An inline booth is one of the most popular types of booths. It is usually in the middle of a row and offers less space than a peninsula booth, typically around 10 by 10 ft. However, An incline booth setup is the most common type at events. It consists of rows of booths arranged side to side and back to back. This setup is used to maximize the number of displays in the event space.

When setting up an inline booth, you will be surrounded by other booths on all sides except for one aisle. You can use this aisle to focus on interacting and collaborating with passing patrons and booths beside you.

Corner Booth

A corner booth at an event can greatly improve your booth’s performance by exposing it to two separate aisles. This means you can generate twice the amount of foot traffic and make the most of the space available by maximizing the time your displays are visible to passing audiences. This increases the likelihood of catching the attention of people passing by and creates a more open and easily navigable area for browsing.

Island Booth

The island booth is the best option for patron entry accessibility, as all four sides are open. This booth type is not enclosed on any side, offering the utmost flexibility for your display design, layout, and height.

How to Choose the Right Booth Type?

Choosing the right booth can make all the difference in getting people interested in your business. Here are some factors to consider:

  • Consider your budget for the booth.
  • Take into account the space available.
  • What type of product or service will you offer, and what display do you want to create?
  • Remember how much privacy you need and if any side of your booth needs more exposure than others.
  • Choose the booth type that best meets your needs and objectives.

Work with Trade Show Exhibit Rentals

Several types of trade show booths are available to rent, each with its advantages and disadvantages. It’s important to consider the size of your booth, your budget, the type of product or service you offer, and how much privacy you need when choosing a booth for your next event. Working with an experienced trade show exhibit rental company can help you ensure that your booth is the perfect fit for your needs.

At Trade Show Exhibit Rentals, we provide custom solutions that are tailored to your needs. Our team of experts will work with you to design a booth that meets your objectives and helps you stand out from the crowd. We have an extensive selection of exhibits, modular displays, fabric displays, and more – all at prices below our competitors! Get in touch today for more information!