
Participating in a trade show requires a lot of planning and money. Trade shows offer many opportunities to showcase your brand and build brand awareness, but you need to remember that you need to think the whole process through.

That’s why maximizing your efforts is important by following some best practices. Here we will review some of the best practices for these events to help you get the most out of it!

How to Get the Most Out of Trade Shows

To help you get the most out of the trade shows, we will share with you a list of our top best practices to follow in your B2B trade show marketing strategy:

Before the Trade Show

Set your Goals

Before you start planning, set your trade show goals. This should include raising brand awareness, generating leads, or showcasing new products and services. Make sure to keep these goals in mind throughout the entire process and be sure to document what worked well for future reference.

Start your Planning Beforehand

Trade displays require a significant time and financial commitment. You probably registered and requested a booth and design months in advance, so there is little need for you to put off developing your promotion plan. You must meet deadlines of at least a few weeks to allow for design, proofing, and delivery, especially if you want to employ direct mail or specific landing pages for promotion.

Attract Attention

You need to think of creative ways to attract attention for a successful event. Think about giveaways, display designs, and activities to draw people to your booth. You should also consider using social media promotions before the event to generate interest.

During the Trade Show

Be Personable

You want to be approachable and friendly when dealing with potential leads, so ensure a team is prepared to engage with people. They should be well-versed in your product or services and know how to communicate the unique value of what you offer. Also, remember that it is important to have the necessary staff to ensure all questions are answered.

Send Reminders

Social media is the ideal platform for communicating with attendees during the exhibition. Use the designated hashtag if it exists for the event! Post pictures of you chatting with attendees in front of your booth to entice them to stop by. Live-tweet any memorable passages from the keynote address or workshops that spoke to you.

Giveaway Promotional Items to Remember your Brand

Ensure your contact information is on anything potential customers take with them. This can be marketing collateral like pamphlets, handouts, or promotional items like a T-shirt, pen, sticker, or notepad. This will give your leads a reference point for contacting you when you follow up after the presentation.

After the Show

Measure your Results

After the show, you should review your results with a critical eye. How many leads did you get? Did you hit your goals? What worked well and what didn’t? These are all important questions to consider as they will help you improve for future events.


Due to the fact that many exhibitors take an excessively long time—or never—to follow up, this is arguably the most effective trade show marketing approach. Call your hot leads directly to establish a relationship and close the deal.

Connect Virtually

Connecting with attendees online after the show is essential. If you can access contact info, send emails and direct messages to keep in touch. This will help you stay top of mind in case they need your product or services in the future.

By following these best practices, you can ensure that your next trade show will be a success! Ultimately, attending a trade show is an investment in your brand, and by following these best practices, you can make sure you get the most out of it.

How a Solid Trade Show Booth Can Boost Your Game

A solid trade show booth can boost your game by attracting attention, creating a professional image, engaging attendees, effectively showcasing your products or services, generating leads, and leaving a lasting impression, ultimately increasing your chances of success at the trade show.

Remember that even though you have very prepared information to show, the main point is the booth itself. Investing in the right design and setting up a professional, inviting, well-thought-out booth is essential for any successful trade show!

Trade Show Exhibit Rentals Is Here to Help You

Attending a trade show can be an amazing experience and has the potential to bring great rewards. That’s why it is important to ensure you get the most out of it by following some best practices.

Trade Show Exhibit Rentals is here to help you find the perfect booth design for your needs. With our wide selection of rental booths or booths for sale, we will surely have something perfect for your next trade show. Contact us today, and let’s get started!