
Trade shows are making a comeback this 2023! Companies are coming up with new ideas for their booths and stands to make them more attractive and eye-catching to the visitors of the trade show exhibition. There are several trends to look out for in terms of trade show booths graphics, designs and materials.

When you are at a trade show, you need to stand out from your competitors. That’s why we want to share some of the emerging trends in booths for you to succeed in the upcoming trade show exhibits!

Current State of the Trade Show Industry

By the end of 2019 and in early 2020, following the pandemic outbreak, businesses that weren’t present online experienced hard times. Event planning was one of the most affected. Due to restrictions, not many events were able to take place in 2020. Trade shows needed to adapt, and that’s when they opted for webinars, chats, and live streaming.

But now that the world is slowly returning to normal, so are trade shows, and event planning is back on track. Companies can now focus on their booths, designs, and strategies to stand out and engage with potential customers, but having a hybrid approach wouldn’t cause harm, so it’s recommended to implement both.

Trade Show Booth Trends

Some trends emerged now that trade shows are back on track. So, if you want to catch the eye of all the visitors, maybe you can take advantage of these trade show design trends for your booth:

Digital Experience

Incorporating digital elements in your booth will help you create a more interactive and engaging experience for visitors. You can use augmented reality, virtual reality, and voice-activated technologies to make a memorable experience for all visitors.

If not, playing with different LED screens can greatly impact how you showcase your business. With the use of LED screens, you can create tunnels, interactive floors, or immersive LEDs, all this at a more affordable price.

Organic Designs

Due to the pandemic, exhibit design at shows across the country has shifted towards creating comfortable spaces prioritizing health, wellness, and approachability. Clean lines and bright white exhibits have been replaced with this new approach as the world reopens.

Comfortable environments, greenery, organic shapes, and lounge style on these booths seem to be people’s favorites.

Overhead Structures

Having hanging elements is a must nowadays. Trends show that hanging structures are preferable because they will give you a more spacious and open space on the ground for more people to visit your booth!

Make it Sustainable

Booth materials that can serve multiple purposes are used to achieve versatility on the tradeshow floor. Also, remember that we mentioned the overhead structures? You can make it sustainable by incorporating green elements, like bamboo or wooden structures.

Build an Experience

Trade show booths should look attractive and inviting, but creating an experience that resonates with your brand and product is also important. Having something special, like a pop-up store or café in your booth, can help make you stand out from the other exhibitors. Make your visitors experience a little demonstration of what your brand is about for them to remember you among others.

Focus on the Senses

The more senses you can engage in your trade show booth, the better. Visuals and lightning are a good start, but you can also add smells and textures. Play around with colors, music, scents, and interactive elements to make a lasting impression on visitors!

Keep Your Booth Up to Date with Trade Show Exhibit Rentals

If you want a successful trade show experience, keep up with the current trends and incorporate them in your booth. Digital experiences, organic designs, overhead structures, sustainability, and appeal to the senses are some trends that will help you stand out.

Trade Show Exhibit Rentals provides affordable booth rentals and sales that will help you keep up with the trends. Our services include everything from design to dismantling, allowing you to arrive prepared and enjoy a stress-free event. Get in touch with us today to help you achieve the trade show trends of 2023!